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What does an implant sound like?

I showed my husband a simulation of what it may sound like to have an implant. You may find it useful too.
Click HERE to listen.
Once you are at the website click on the Listen to 22 Channels.
So what is your reaction?
From my understanding when the surgeon places the implant into the cochlea the implanted electrode piece has 22 channels on it. The hope is to stimulate all 22 channels to the brain. The voice clip represents what it would sound like with 22 channels, but in many cases only 16-18 are actually stimulated. Does that make sense?

Alexander with his therapist one month ago.

Here we are teaching Alexander that he will have to give a verbal cue to ask for the alligator to come back and tickle his toes. Our expectation once he receives the implant is that he will have a lot more verbal output when he is engaged in his therapy activities.


MB said...

I can't believe his implant date is already here! We'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Can't wait to get the full report.

Jessica said...

we will be praying for you! he is SO cute!! sophie just ran over to the computer when she saw him on the screen is now cooing and giggling over him, so already is a little lady's man. :) good luck tomorrow.

The Gathering Place said...

We hope Alexnder's recovery will be swift and painless! We're sure you are glad that it is over. We will continue to keep praying for you all!
Auntie JoAnn