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skinit’s for your CI’s

Over the past 4 months my kiddos have been delighted to wear and show off their fancy Skinit designed CI’s.  I have found it personally helpful because I was able to design them with an emergency contact number just in case they go missing.…I don’t know about you but I have been on my hands and knees looking under sunglass display cases, the grocery store isle, at the soccer fields and many others searching for their devices.  Having an emergency contact number on them is critical!!! has so kindly made a template plate for Cochlear brand CI’s.  So if you are using the N5 model, take advantage of this great opportunity. I believe they run about $15 each for a set of three stickers.  I know we purchased one of the kids on a promotional offer so keep your eye out for a good deal.




This is a prototype of one that was not printed, I included it to show you where I included the phone number.  Its on the processor, the most expensive part!   Plus the phone number hides behind the ear lobe not to take away from the design.

skinit on CI's

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